With the new release of The Super Mario Bros. Movie and the official release of the Five Nights At Freddy's movie trailer, the Kennedy student body has begun to notice an abundance of adaptions. Remakes...
Kennedy students filled out a Google Form earlier in the week sharing where they are traveling this summer. All of the responses are the blue dots seen on the map. Despite the variety of states and cities...
Kennedy’s summer school will start on June 6 and go through July 1. The goal is to help students earn first-time credit or take part in credit recovery.
“I'm hoping that kids get to look forward...
Attention sophomore and juniors: the summer internship application portal is now open.
Sophomore and juniors can complete 45-90 hour internships this summer through Kirkwood’s Workplace Learning Connections....
With summer just around the corner, heat waves will be among us soon. Those days where you feel as though your skin is melting as sweat trickles down your body. You become out of breath from a walk, and...
With COVID-19, summer break may not look like it normally does for students. While it may not be normal, students will find ways to make their summer break worthwhile.
Activities such as fishing,...
Although the spring rain doesn't show any signs of stopping, the 2019 school year is almost at an end and summer break will be in full swing. While spending time at the pool with your friends sounds like...
Summer is coming and internships are starting to open for juniors and seniors. Internships are opportunities for students to go and work for a company over the summer or during the school year if they...
Kennedy High School has without a doubt helped me advance academically and score well on standardized tests, but as someone who is constantly looking for ways to increase my knowledge and achieve great...
As summer approaches, it's common to wonder what you're going to do with your spare time all of a sudden. NewBo City Market has begun "Food Truck Wednesdays,", which is an event every Wednesday where food...