Debuting in 2016, The Anxiety Project is a musical theater performance. The show depicts situations surrounding human suffering and mental health through the eyes of Avery, a psychology student attempting...
After a year-long hiatus, the Kennedy High School theatre department reopens to the tune of ‘Clue,’ a board-game-based murder-mystery play produced by Kennedy students. It emulates the classic board...
Not every graduate wishes to come back to their highschool and work with former teachers and new students. For Caleb Marner, this isn’t the case.
Marner studied theatre in Chicago for a year after...
A dark satirical comedy called Arsenic and Old Lace will be coming to the Kennedy black box.
The show directed by Caleb Marner will open on October 17 and play through the 19th with shows at 7pm. Tickets...
A dark comedy play called Crimes of the Heart hits the Kennedy Theatre next week.
Crimes of the Heart, directed by Nick Hayes, will have a preview during school on Wednesday, September 25th. The performances...
Senior Mallory Nesmith's favorite memory happened the closing night of the Wedding Singer, Kennedy's spring play. Nesmith has been a part of theater and musicals most of her life no matter where she has...
Students got a sneak preview of Young Frankenstein during school hours today. Performances are scheduled this week -- on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
As the start of a new season arises, hard...
Tonight is the opening night for Kennedy’s spring musical, Nice Work If You Can Get It. Tickets are five dollars for students and eight dollars for adults. The musical will be shown at 7 p.m. tonight...