Your Voice Matters: Kennedy PTSA

Your Voice Matters: Kennedy PTSA

Melissa Zachman is determined to make the PTA or the PSTA as she calls it, a place to find the best resources to help the students. 

“I think students need a voice. I think parents need a voice.  Kind of a support system to voice concerns and to voice opinions,” said Zachman. 

Zachman wants everyone to be able to contribute to the growth of the PTA even the students.  Communication is key in a successful PTA. 

“I don’t really know what PTA is supposed to be like in high school,” said Zachman. “I want the students involved because their input is vital.”

Meetings are usually once a month. The Kennedy PTA Facebook page, “CR JFK PTSA -2019/2020” has meeting times posted. Everyone is welcome to attend. The more voices that participate, the easier it is to help Kennedy.