High schools have issues with students being late to class and Kennedy is no exception, with hallways crowded with a stampede of students rushing to their classes.
Freshman Olivia Westercamp says her...
The average American goes to school for 13-15 years by the age of 18.
It is very common in the first five to six years of school for students to participate in advanced classes such as P.A.C.T. or T.A.G.,...
The man behind the events, fundraising, Kennedy Prom 2024 and much more is Senior Class President Safal Bhattarai. He does it all.
“I've had to really work,” Bhattarai said. “There's a lot of...
It is nice to know that the Kennedy Theatre Department has a sense of humor in a world full of stress and seriousness. Especially after seeing the spring musical—about putting people into meat pies of...
With the 2023-2024 school year coming to an end, seniors are preparing to walk across the stage. Some are getting ready for the college experience while others have different plans. While each senior has...
Have you ever wanted to donate blood and save lives? Now is your chance. Kennedy Student Government has partnered with ImpactLife to host a blood drive on April 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Hey Seniors! As the year is getting closer to ending, make sure that you are staying on top of everything you need to do. To help keep you guys organized here is everything that you need to make sure you...