The Stresses of Homecoming


Stephanie Wallace

A beautiful gold dress paired with a matching corsage, yet another stressor adding to the pressure of homecoming.

Getting a manicure, styling your hair with a curling iron, and zipping up the dress, all in preparation to spend a Saturday night dancing to bop after bop.

Students prepare for the dance in many ways, from finding an outfit to deciding where to take photos and eat dinner, in hopes that the preparation will make their experience worthwhile.

One of the biggest steps in preparing for the dance is finding a date. Arriving with a date to the event has become quite a norm, it is rare to see someone arrive by themselves. Therefore, many feel pressured to arrive with a date.

“I sort of feel pressured to have a date because I feel like it’s weird to third wheel or tag along with a group.” said Alyssa Howe, jr. 

Finding a date is not always easy and making plans can be stressful. Nonetheless, company seems crucial in order to attend the dance, according to social expectations.

“I feel like others are pressured to go in a group because you never see anyone by themselves at the dance and I feel like it’s partly anxiety or just the awkwardness of dancing and taking pictures alone,” said Howe.

In the end, students hope that the pressure and stress of preparing is worth it and makes the experience one to remember. 

“If you don’t enjoy the dance what’s the point of going?” said Caylei Pirtle, so.