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The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

Senior Wilsee Kollie speaks during the walkout.

Kennedy Holds Walkout Over Roe v. Wade Opinion Leak

Joel Dillman, Writer May 18, 2022

Kennedy students held a walkout May 18 at 1:20 p.m. to protest the leaked overturn of Roe v. Wade, which would allow states to ban abortion. The walkout remained peaceful and lasted until 2:10 p.m., when...

Linn-Mar's Spectrum Club put up posters around the school for Transgender Awareness Week.

Linn-Mar Students Hold Walkout During Transgender Awareness Week

Jersey Bilyeu, Writer November 19, 2021

On Nov. 19, Linn-Mar High School students participated in a walkout in support of their school's Spectrum Club. Spectrum students put up posters with information about Transgender Awareness Week. These...

Kennedy students participating in a walkout to protest gun violence.

Kennedy Students ‘March For Their Lives’

Olivia Riley-Schmelzer, Editor-in-Chief January 29, 2020

On Jan. 29, dozens of kennedy high school students participated in a walkout in response to recent gun related events on campus and in the Cedar Rapids community. In 21 degree weather and light snow, students...

DAPL protests come to Cedar Rapids

Afnan Elsheikh, Writer December 9, 2016

All across the nation, citizens have stood together to protest the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Last week, on Dec. 1, Cedar Rapids experienced a protest of about 25 people outside of...

More than 50 students took part in the protest. Seniors Donovan Screws (left) and Afnan Elsheikh (right) joined the walkout.

More photos from Nov. 17 Protest

November 17, 2016

Anafernanda Millsap is a photographer for Torch. In her words: "About a minute into passing time they [students] just started coming out from the front doors, from the foyer, and they started walking...

As the students were approaching Kennedy, they were greeted by anti-walkout protesters.  Everything was peaceful  but there were many words exchanged.

Kennedy Walkout Photo Gallary

Jake Corkery, Sports Editor November 17, 2016

Kennedy High School students congregated outside of the main office after third hour. They organized a walkout and spread their message "Love not hate," as they walked to the 42nd Street and Edgewood intersection....

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