Kennedy Holds Walkout Over Roe v. Wade Opinion Leak

Alyx Goldensoph

Senior Wilsee Kollie speaks during the walkout.

Joel Dillman, Writer

Kennedy students held a walkout May 18 at 1:20 p.m. to protest the leaked overturn of Roe v. Wade, which would allow states to ban abortion. The walkout remained peaceful and lasted until 2:10 p.m., when most students returned to class.

After leaving class, students gathered in a group near the horseshoe. The protest formed around a few speakers in the middle of the crowd, who led chants. One chant began with “What’s our choice?” to which the crowd responded “Pro-choice!” These speakers included senior Wilsee Kollie, freshman Jaiah Willis and juniors Kristy Kula and Bowie Sullivan.

“It doesn’t just affect us now,” Sullivan said. “It affects the future. It affects our sisters, our children … everybody, not just guys, not just girls, not just everybody in between. It affects everybody because Roe v. Wade is for everybody.”

Students created and held signs for the walkout with pro-choice statements such as “We’re more worried about an unborn fetus than our kids’ mental health” and “What f*cking year is it?”

Around 2 p.m., the group made a lap around the south parking lot. They continued to chant until they got back to the building.

Principal Jason Kline, athletic director Aaron Stecker and School Resource Officer Drew Tran supervised the walkout.

The walkout was organized through Snapchat the days prior. A screenshot urged readers to spread the word by reposting the plan.

Linn-Mar, Washington and Jefferson High School in Cedar Rapids also held pro-choice walkouts over the past week.

“Our generation cares about it,” Justice Edgett, who attended the walkout, said. “We are going to stand and fight for our rights.”