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The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The bell schedule is planned to be the same in the 2021-2022 school year.

More Schedule Changes Coming Next Year

Joel Dillman, Writer May 25, 2021

When the COVID-19 pandemic made in-person gatherings dangerous, school scheduling was overhauled. In Cedar Rapids high schools, the student body was split in two, each half alternating between in-person...

Kennedy Renews Attendance Policy For Remote Learning

Kennedy Renews Attendance Policy For Remote Learning

Jasmine Hite, Writer March 8, 2021

John F. Kennedy High school renewed an old policy regarding remote learning. By changing the attendance policy, the CRCSD believes it is a crucial part for the remote learners.  Online students have...

"winter landscape" by David Blackwell. is licensed with CC BY 2.0.

Keeping The Cold At Bay

Jasmine Hite, Writer February 25, 2021

Winter hit Cedar Rapids weeks ago, and it hit the city hard. Coldness pervades you wherever you go. It may look like a winter wonderland, but it is far from wondrous.  Freezing temperatures and slippery...

Mariah Griffin (left) and Jennifer McAtee (right) are ready to start the class.

Learning To Teach in an Upside-Down World

Jasmine Hite, Writer February 18, 2021

In the shadow of Kennedy High School’s Jennifer McAtee stands Mariah Griffin, a student of the University of Iowa studying to become a geometry teacher. Although her student teaching has been abnormal...

Old Class, New Medium

Old Class, New Medium

Anabel Bradley, Writer January 13, 2021

In an art classroom with long flat tables, students envision great sculptures in their heads. Nothing holds them back. The classroom has plenty of space and materials for a project of this magnitude. Unfortunately,...

Reworking Routines for Remote Learning

Reworking Routines for Remote Learning

Joel Dillman, Writer December 22, 2020

Remote learning forced by COVID-19 transformed the way students learn. The removal of the classroom environment, face-to-face conversations and physical class materials has impacted students and teachers...

Plans Change Again Due to COVID Numbers

Plans Change Again Due to COVID Numbers

Elise Hrabik, Photo Editor December 9, 2020

All classes in the Cedar Rapids Community School District have shifted to required remote learning as of Nov. 12. All extra-curricular activities have been paused. The Cedar Rapids School District now...

Academic Decathlon in a New Way

Academic Decathlon in a New Way

Anabel Bradley, Writer October 13, 2020

Kennedy High School’s Academic Decathlon team will continue this year but with new obstacles. The decathlon team is in the process of recruiting members. This process has been made more difficult...

The class of 2021 at the Winter Pep Assembly who emerged victorious. Which will win this year's virtual pep rally?

Virtual Pep Assembly

Jami Martin-Trainor, Editor-in-Chief March 23, 2020

COVID-19 has turned the 2019-2020 school year on its head. With WPA canceled and prom looking unlikely, many students feel as if their school year was stolen. After school had been canceled for four...

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