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The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

Student Art Showcase

Student Art Showcase

Emma Beachner, Photographer May 10, 2022

Headlights in Deer

Headlights in Deer

Natalie Ruggeri May 21, 2021

headlights in ;deer A (like) sometimes feel, i anymore forward thought my bring cannot and ;universe ;world this into sucked      get           to                starting                     im yrros out...

I'm Not Exactly Sad

I’m Not Exactly Sad

Kameran Bex, Author May 19, 2021

I'm not exactly sad I don't know what the words are to explain this feeling I have I'm just tired I can't seem to motivate myself or give a damn I stay in bed all day and I'm up all night I've...

The Waves of Reminiscence

The Waves of Reminiscence

Brady Fosmo Johnson, Musician May 19, 2021

  Sheet Music    

One for Sorrow

One for Sorrow

Mallory Engelmann May 19, 2021

The debris fall is light today.  Most scrappers would find that a bad day, and, therefore, won’t walk the miles out into the debris field for just a few chunks of space trash. Why expend so much...

The Grand Plan

The Grand Plan

Lucas Petersen April 26, 2021

Whoever told you that the villain always loses clearly didn't try hard enough.    It's been a long road to get to this throne, a road paved with betrayal, blood, and tears. I have betrayed...

School Picture Day

School Picture Day

Taylor Zebuhr April 13, 2021

The 80's are making a comeback with these "school picture day" photos. Each school photo depicts a different character and personality using various costumes, hair, and makeup.

Life Is Only Precious Because It Ends

Shefa’a Tawil April 7, 2021

We stare at the hands. Are they mine? They flit across the keyboard typing the words coming from our mind only pausing When we once again lose our sense of time. We experience the world through third...

Mask Up

Mask Up

Maggie Talbott-Malone, Artist April 7, 2021

Seasonal Blessings

Seasonal Blessings

Natalie Martin, Artist April 7, 2021

Who Am I

Who Am I

Lydia Heskje April 7, 2021

I am born on a Monday at St. Luke’s Hospital Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA –  Our world recovering    From the 9/11 attack.   I am born not long from the time  Or far...

The Coldest Winter

The Coldest Winter

Olivia Strempke April 7, 2021

I’m so tired. I don’t think I can keep going, but—but...I have to keep going. For her. I will save my baby girl even if it kills me. I have to run, keep running Senza. RUN! Senza thought to herself...

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