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The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

Students are often distracted by cell phones during class time.

Anonymity on Social Media and the Dropping Standard of Decency

Annabelle Ovel, Writer January 30, 2024

Youth at Kennedy and high schools across America face serious issues with social media misuse, specifically with platforms like X (previously known as Twitter), Snapchat and Instagram. People have normalized...

Students are often distracted by cell phones during class time.

The Impact of Social Media Within Our Community

Anyah Stoppelmoor, Writer November 2, 2023

Throughout the years, social media has evolved and grown into a society of its own. With both positive and negative impacts, it has made significant changes in society. Numbers of bullying and harassment...

Kennedy's art classrooms are full to bursting with students developing their creativity skills.

The Struggle of the Arts

Jersey Bilyeu, Writer September 19, 2022

The Kennedy Art Department had their devices removed due to the cyber attack and on top of that devastating loss, they continue to struggle yearly to fund the materials students need in their program. “The...

Constant tech problems can leave students scratching their heads.

Is Technology Helping Us?

Lizzy Hawkes, Writer March 27, 2022

In 2018, providing every student in the CRCSD with a Chromebook seemed like a fantasy. Laptop carts were a coveted item in classrooms and computer labs required teachers to sign up weeks in advance. Now,...

Some teachers have started to use phone hotels in their classrooms.

Phones Go to Jail

Nolyn Melsha, Writer February 21, 2022

At the beginning of the second semester, new rules were implemented in rooms across Kennedy. Multiple teachers made the decision to put cell phone holders (also referred to as phone hotels or phone jails)...

Elise Kim, so. and Grace Ntanyungy, so. supporting each other.

A Generation With Open Arms

Lindsey Matus, Writer May 27, 2020

Generation-Z is making a change for the better when it comes to inclusivity. Those who are included in this generation are more accepting than those that have come before.  Inclusivity doesn’t pertain...

An inside peek on the life360 app. Edited by Ashton Nanke

Life Built Around 360

Olivia Riley-Schmelzer, Editor-in-Chief April 7, 2020

A technology driven society has shaped the lives and behaviors of Gen Z, as well as the lives and behaviors of their parents.  The method of parenting and the way we stay connected has shifted from...

Edited by Ashton Nanke

Should Cancel Culture Be Canceled

Maggie Talbott-Malone, Writer February 4, 2020

In a world of media, people are often perceived from different angles. From James Charles, an online phenomenon, to Carson King, a local celebrity, many people are being ‘canceled’ for their past actions....

Student at Kennedy High School attempting to maneuver Infinite Campus on their new chromebook.

Infinite Struggles

Samuel Miranda, Writer September 20, 2019

A change has come to the entire district which alters how students work. Kennedy has left Powerschool in the dust in favor of Infinite Campus and with that comes a plethora of new features. Infinite...

Student Jami Martin-Trainor so., works hard on the computer to complete her school work.

One- to- One

Alyssa Friedley, Writer June 8, 2019

Having access to technology will give students the ability to work online during class, which can overall boost the amount of work we get done in one day. Going one- to- one will create an advanced learning...

Sophomore Jami Martin-Trainor using the app Snapchat during class.

Say “See Ya” to Social Interactions

Alyssa Friedley, Writer October 13, 2018

Who would have thought a single small buzz from a five-inch box would send teens running to look at what’s popped on their screen? Smartphones have changed the way we communicate today, but is our youth...

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