In a normal year, the holidays are a time filled with family, friends and cheer. The house is filled with shouts from cousins playing Mario Kart, the clanging of plates as dishes are being washed and holiday...
Fall Friday nights consist of cheering on the football team from the stands for most high school students. Yet senior Kamae Jacobus had a different experience with the football team. As football manager,...
Winter break starts on Friday, Dec. 22 and classes resume on Tuesday, Jan. 2. Students are feeling really excited to celebrate New Year’s Eve with their family and friends.
“New Year’s Eve is...
Thanksgiving Break starts on Wednesday, Nov. 22 and classes resume Monday, Nov. 27.
“Thanksgiving is a very important holiday because it’s about surrounding yourself with the people you love,”...
Thanksgiving is just around the corner -- Thursday, Nov. 24 -- and students and teachers are making plans for the holiday event. School is out starting Wednesday, Nov. 23 and classes resume on Monday,...