Ava Powers: Behind Kennedy Performances

Madisen Maxa

Stage Manager Ava Powers looks over stage light filters.

Emma Beachner, writer

In search of an engineering class, Ava Powers ended up in Stagecraft and Design during her freshman year because of a problem with her schedule. Though the class wasn’t her first pick, she was drawn in by other students involved.

In her senior year, Powers is now head tech for Happiness Inc. and Stage Manager for most theater performances. In her junior year, she was head tech for the JV show choir, Protégé.

The responsibilities of head tech involve communicating with the directors and the choirs, organizing the trailer and getting the stage ready before performances.

”Basically I’m keeping the group together,” said Powers.

Being stage manager also includes hidden tasks. Powers is responsible for organizing props, sets and costumes, as well as directing actors on their scenes.

Theater Director Nick Hayes works with Powers on almost every production Kennedy performs.

“If you actually look at what [her] job description is… then come into the space and observe what Ava does, it goes beyond the job description,” said Hayes.

Powers has been a part of one professional show for the Cedar Rapids Opera. Here she fell in love with tech and saw she could make a career out of it. Powers plans to minor in technical theater after she graduates this year.

Though Powers did not want to be in tech her freshman year, she found a place in this school and has gained confidence in leadership positions.

“They put me in charge and I just rolled with the punches…and now I’m very happy with where I am,” said Powers.