Kennedy Short Film Moves on to All-State

Kiera Zwack

Ami Jacobo practicing her choreography during Happiness Inc. rehearsal.

Haile Miller, Writer

On Monday, Feb. 6, Large Group State Speech scores were released, announcing the groups advancing onto the All-State Festival. Kennedy’s Short Film team advanced and the Kennedy Improv Team earned Outstanding Performance, however, they will not compete at the festival.

The nominated short film “Is It Worth It?” was written and directed by junior Ami Jacobo, and stars Jonah McMahan, Avinash Malde, Aidan McGrane, Elizabeth Goff, Alyx Goldensoph, Alex Volden and Isaac White.

“I feel fantastic about the progress and achievements this short film has made and gotten,” said Jacobo. “I’m so thankful I had such a great acting team, we all had a great time.”

The short film focuses on characters portrayed by Juniors Alex Volden and Jonah McMahan, as they ask the question “Is It Worth It?” regarding several daily situations. The film targets finding an answer as they flash through several perspectives and experiences of different characters. 

“In my friend group, we have these car talks that tend to be deep and kind of existential. The short film is basically a summarized car talk that invites you in on the experience,” Jacobo said.

Kennedy’s Improv Team of Tori Paga, Srinidhi Kompella, Paxton-Hamilton Bailey and Calliope Matta also had the honor of being nominated as a non-performing group at the All-State Festival. At the State Contest, they were given the prompt “Stuck in Glue,” where they depicted a five-minute scene of an elementary school teacher being saved by creating slime.

“I’m very thankful, I think a lot of hard work and long practices paid off…I’m glad we had a good outcome,” team member Kompella said.

Large-group speech began in early October and will end after the conclusion of All-State. The participants from Kennedy have devoted hours of time and work into these projects and performances. You can support them at the All-State Large Group Festival on Feb. 18 at Iowa State University. 

“Even if we’re not top-rated at the festival, making people feel is the biggest achievement I could get,” Jacobo said.