The Return of Cougar Advisory

Jersey Bilyeu

Students can use Cougar Advisory to voice their opinion on a variety of topics like curriculum or other activities.

Joshua Barker, Writer

Students have long wished to have a voice in the education system. This has been especially true due to a recent increase in fights, debate over funding and more. Kennedy has re-implemented a way for students to voice their concerns to the staff.

The Cougar Advisory group, led by principal Jason Kline, is a discussion group that encourages students to give feedback to the school. In a session held on Nov. 14 topics from the “Habitudes” program to the usage of preferred names with substitute teachers were reviewed.

“It’s an opportunity for me and students to connect, to learn about what’s going on in the school… and hear ideas that I may not even realize are issues,” Kline said.

In the discussion about “Habitudes” students made several proposals. Ideas such as moving the age bracket or creating more hands on material were mentioned. While many of these suggestions wouldn’t be immediately implemented, the administration supported the students’ ideas.

“Sometimes students come with a solution and we work away to try and make it happen. Sometimes students come with a solution that is not workable…district policy…cost, things like that,” Kline said.

Despite the incentives of pizza, cookies and easy accessibility, Cougar Advisory has seen less participation than was hoped. Cougar Advisory will still continue to host meetings to try to bolster its numbers.