Men’s Volleyball Comes To Kennedy

Jordan Horne

Men’s Volleyball will be coming to Kennedy in the form of a club.

Jordan Horne, Writer

Kennedy is introducing, for the first time in our history, a men’s volleyball intramural team started by freshman Saul Ervin and sophomore Jacob Eilders.

“I had the idea to start it before school started, and I was talking it over with other people,” said Ervin. “ I had eight guys and I thought that would be the max people that would join, I never thought that it would be so big.”

What started as an eight player team has now grown to over 80 members from all grades. Due to the team’s growth, plans for the future of the club have grown. What started as a fun, non-competitive club, has plans to grow into a competitive level club competing with other schools across the district.

“My hope for the future is that we will reach out to all the other schools in the district this December,” Ervin said.

This year the team will begin as a winter intramural sports team, which includes learning the basics, scrimmages, getting to know teammates and figuring out who plans on participating next year. But throughout the year Ervin hopes to expand men’s volleyball teams to other schools. Next year the intramural sports team will be a club sport.

“This year since it’s just an intramural club thing, you wouldn’t have to pay a fee to join. But next year you might have to in case it is a club because of fee’s like buses as well as equipment. This year is the year to join if any.” said Ervin.