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The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

How should Kennedy distribute the funds for it's sports?

How Should Kennedy Be Fundraising?

Sarah Martin-Trainor, Writer May 11, 2022

Athletics, fine arts and other extracurriculars all need funding. Each group chooses its own method for raising the money they need. Methods vary from selling chocolate bars to campaigning for donations...

Spirit Stick Competition Is Back

Spirit Stick Competition Is Back

Nolyn Melsha, Writer March 25, 2022

On March 25, 2022, Kennedy students get the chance to compete in a school dodgeball tournament, an event for all grades to enjoy.   The tournament will be in the main gym from 6 to 8 p.m.  This...

Freshman class makes fundraising plans

Freshman class makes fundraising plans

Jamison Prull, Writer October 27, 2014

Freshmen didn't win the Kennedy spirit stick at the fall pep rally or have a float in the homecoming parade -- but they didn't let it set them back. The Freshmen Student Council are busy developing...

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