Dennis Schmuecker

Naomi Hofferber, Writer

Dennis Schmuecker teaches computer science classes here at Kennedy. He plans on retiring at the end of this school year.

Q: How long have you been at Kennedy?

A: 17 years.

Q: What is your fondest memory here?

A: Too many to say. Probably relating to the students that were part of my Mac lab rat pack.

Q: What about Kennedy is unique or special to you?

A:  I used to not be fond of green, now I like it.

Q: Has Kennedy changed you?

A: Made me cuter.

Q: What are your post retirement plans?

A: Painting, playing piano, and golf.

Q: Do you have any advice for this year’s and future graduates?

A: Accept the basic premise that you have a right to feel good about yourself and with that you can accomplish many things