Dailin Williams

Q: How long have you taught Chinese at Kennedy?

I have taught Chinese in Kennedy for nine years since 2006 when the Chinese program started. Currently teaching Chinese one, two, three, four, and AP Chinese.

Q: Did you have any previous teaching experiences before Kennedy? If yes, where?

A: I was born in China. Taught in elementary schools and in a college in China. Taught Chinese and worked as a translator for Rockwell and Alliant Energy. Taught Chinese culture at University of Iowa.

 Q: What is your favorite thing about teaching the students at Kennedy? 

A: Favorite thing about teaching is to introduce a totally new language, a new culture, and a new concept to students, and to provide them with a window no matter how small and inadequate for them to see a very different world through their own unbiased eyes. Yet learning is mutual. In interacting with them my students have taught me not only to be a better teacher, also a better person.

Q: How do you feel about leaving Kennedy this year?

A: I will definitely miss Kennedy. Nine years are not too long, but long enough for you to notice the grey in your hair, and to grow into that identity which is Kennedy.

Q: Do you have a favorite memory from working here?

Favorite memory at Kennedy is the Chinese New Year celebration with students, parents and the community. It is the time when the hard work of planning; organizing, practicing, and preparing all have paid off. Everyone is having pure fun, eating, and laughing head off at each other’s awkward performance. There is a great sense of comradery.

Q: What are your plans after leaving Kennedy?

A: When I retire, the first thing I will do is to sleep in every morning. When I get up I will practice Tai Chi. I will definitely spend time traveling and doing fun things with my family. I will have time to pursue my passion in history, poetry, altruism, and astrology. Most of all I will pick up some of my old writings in the past and edit and translate into English. And I will continue write new stories. Hopefully one day you will see a book of mine in the New York Times Best Seller list. That said, I probably won’t make it. That’ll still be OK. As long as there are readers whose hearts are touched to any extend, I will be happy and content.