Linn-Mar Students Hold Walkout During Transgender Awareness Week
Linn-Mar’s Spectrum Club put up posters around the school for Transgender Awareness Week.
November 19, 2021
On Nov. 19, Linn-Mar High School students participated in a walkout in support of their school’s Spectrum Club.
Spectrum students put up posters with information about Transgender Awareness Week. These posters were then torn down by other Linn-Mar students. In response, Spectrum students planned a walkout during the school day and said they wanted to remain peaceful.
Participating students were met with a counter-protest by other students. The counter-protestors held an American flag and sung the national anthem, directed at students participating in the walkout.
Earlier the same day, students paraded down the Linn-Mar hallways carrying and wearing various American flag parodies in support of former President Donald Trump.
KCRG news reporters were present at Linn-Mar as of 12:25 p.m. Students also reported police officers on the scene.
According to unsubstantiated reports by Linn-Mar students, school has been dismissed early due to a threat of violence.
Ours Highiest LGBTQQIP2SAAKPAMMAMAS Poop Poo Poos • Nov 20, 2021 at 1:26 pm
What’s also the problem is LMHS allowed this in the first place, so it’s their fault for letting students like me get trapped in a corner by white supremacists.
Ours Highiest LGBTQQIP2SAAKPAMMAMAS Poop Poo Poos • Nov 20, 2021 at 1:25 pm
This is so gross. The reason this happened is because of stupid hicks that are white supremacists and are neo-nazis that have no lives in actually giving respectful jury to LGBTQ+ and MOGAI people.
Dale Nuss • Nov 19, 2021 at 4:58 pm
Hello! My name is Dale Nuss and I am a 9TH grade student at Linn-Mar high school who actually planned this event. Today, the walkout began at the 11:55 bell for the end of second block or fourth period. Before school there was indeed a parade of students in an opposition. While there was opposition at the walkout, we were requested, although we tried to push past, to stay in the circle drive area outside one of the small entrances at the school. Opposition groups never got confrontational and we ended up speaking as a group and individually in the auditorium on these issues. At about 1:00, we ended the meeting and we were given passes to class where we also were given the option to go down to the south commons and eat with lunch 5 to get some food since in case we missed our lunch periods. However, school was still dismissed at 4:00 and students that weren’t called for RTI could leave at 3:25. Thanks for bringing more attention to the situation! We will definitely be bringing up this article from Kennedy at our next meeting Monday!