CRCSD Returning to Remote Learning
All CRCSD students will be moving to remote learning on Nov. 12 due to the continued threat of COVID-19
November 11, 2020
Students attending in-person classes in the Cedar Rapids Community School District will switch to remote learning Thursday, Nov. 12. This applies to all students regardless of grade level.
The return to remote learning was announced on the CRCSD’s website in a news post written by Superintendent Noreen Bush. The post cites recent surges in COVID-19 cases, healthcare system impacts and frequent staff absences as reasons why the district has chosen to go back to online learning.
“Please note that the decision is pending Iowa Department of Education approval, but we wanted to provide you as much notice as possible,” Bush said. “Once we solidify the length of time granted, we will notify all families and staff of the duration and subsequent return date.”
According to the COVID Tracking Project, Iowa passed 100,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Oct. 17. In the 24 days since, over 40,000 new cases have been confirmed, bringing the total to 144,922. The state death count has increased from 1,527 to 1,849.
School buildings in the CRCSD are planned to reopen for in-person classes on Monday, Nov. 30. Previously announced plans to reopen Jefferson, Washington, Franklin and McKinley buildings on Nov. 16 have been postponed. These buildings will instead reopen sometime after the remote learning period.
“You will be receiving detailed information about updated learning schedules and remote materials directly from your respective school(s),” Bush said. “Please be watching for more information coming from your respective school(s) and the district.”