The Bowl of the Sciences


The science bowl logo

The science bowl has come back to Kennedy High School. The science bowl is a four versus four open response. The open response is just hit the buzzer and answer the question that was asked. The open response is for the answer to be explained. If the answer is correct, then a bounce question will be given as an option for more points.

The bounce question is meant to act as a way for one time to get more points then the other team. The bounce question will be related to the main question. This is meant to increase a lead or close a gap in points.

“I like science, so I volunteered to be the coach out of curiosity,” Alyssa Jacobson said.

Jacobson is the coach of the science bowl as well as the earth science teacher at Kennedy High School. Jacobson volunteered to be the science bowl coach. Any questions about the science bowl can be answered by Jacobson in room 225, to join the science bowl go talk to Jacobson.

The official competition will be at Iowa State University in January. All the practices will take place during smart time in room 225 on Mondays. The sign-up deadline is Friday, Sept. 28.

“This competition might be fun but, it’ll be challenging for sure,” Jacobson said.