The Importance of Student Government

Olivia Haefner

Seniors Hailey Dolphin and Evyn DeWitte take attendance at the start of class and give announcements.

Olivia Haefner
Students listen to announcements to pick up on new service projects they are interested in

“Student Government gives you a voice and allows you to have opportunities to change a ton of peoples’ lives throughout our community,” Hailey Dolphin, sr., said.

Dolphin has been a part of Student Government since her freshman year and initially joined because she thought it would look good on resumes, then realized it meant so much more.

“Student government has given our students a class they can take where they learn how to be a good person and help others,” Dolphin said. “This is an important life skill to develop and makes the culture at Kennedy better.”

Senior Evyn DeWitte joined Student Government because she enjoys volunteering and helping those in need.

“People don’t realize how much people are affected by the volunteering and help that we give here in Student Government,” DeWitte said.

This year so far, Student Government has organized Homecoming, Homeless Night, WPA, elementary school carnivals, a blood drive, and so many other activities. All the proceeds go to charities and foundations.

“[Without Student Government] We would have a lot less kids who would continue to help the community down the road and Kennedy’s reputation in the community wouldn’t be as good,” DeWitte said.

Other events Student Government organized include holiday events for staff members and their children, Gems of Hope, and adopting Veteran families during Christmas to provide essentials they need and presents. They have also made blankets for Cedar Rapids police dogs, written letters to Honor Flight participants, and made blankets for the homeless.

“I think Student Government is under appreciated because we don’t get much recognition for the services we provide to our school,” Dolphin said. “We deserve recognition for our hard work, especially Mr. Benedict because he keeps the class running smoothly and provides us with many opportunities to help our community.”

Student Government won a plaque from the Salvation Army for volunteering to ring the bell more than any other organization in Cedar Rapids. Student Government brings joy and fun to the student body, and with the proceeds they make they turn around and give back to the community. They are recognized by other volunteer groups in Cedar Rapids and believe they should be recognized by the school.

In spite of contrary beliefs, Student Government has done a lot more than just organize school dances. That is only a small part of what they have done this school year. “[Student Government] Is not advertised enough. We do our service and don’t flaunt it,” DeWitte said.