Want to LITERALLY Give Back to the Community?
Kennedy Student Government is hosting a blood drive Tuesday April 17th.
Student Government members made posters for the blood drive on April 17 and hung them up around the school.
April 12, 2018
Kennedy Student Government is hosting a blood drive Tuesday, April 17 in the Black Box Theater. Everyone is welcome to donate, including students and staff.
“Last year Student Government started hosting the blood drive to spread awareness for the importance of blood donations in the community,” Joe Benedict, Student Government Adviser said.
Students older than 16 can sign up in Mr. Benedict’s room (164), at the registration table in the morning, or during lunch on April 17. Those who are 16 and under must have parental consent before donating. Students who are 17 and older can just sign up and show up at their designated time.
Student Government partners with Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center to make this blood drive possible at Kennedy.
During class, a representative from the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center came to talk to the Student Government members about hosting the blood drive and the procedures it would entail. After explaining to the class how the blood drive works, she gave the students an opportunity to get their blood type tested. Most students did not know their blood type but were eager to find out and donate during the blood drive.
Donation times are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17.
“Donations usually take about 15-20 minutes including check in and check out, and yes I give blood because it’s for a great cause,” Benedict said.
Students and staff are advised to hydrate and eat healthy 24 hours prior to giving blood. After donating blood, students are provided with juice and snacks to regain strength. Students are not recommended to donate blood if they have to do physical activity within the following 24 hour period.
“The atmosphere has a big variety but is mostly relaxed with laughing and joking around. There are some kids that have never given blood before and are nervous,” Benedict said.
“I give blood because it can save peoples lives and its a good way to give back to the community. I’m spending 15 minutes of my time to save someone in need,” Hailey Dolphin, sr., and Student Government President said.
For more information click here.