What do students do with their money?

Everyone knows that with a job comes not only a sense of maturity, but something most high schoolers lack: money. Everyone who has a job does something different with the money they make. Some spend almost all of it in a matter of seconds, while others save it.
“I got a job so I could start having money and being responsible for myself,” Tyler Blattner said.
Blattner has worked at Skyzone Cedar Rapids for a little over a month. He likes being able to have his own money and do what he pleases with it. 25 percent of the money he makes goes to an after high school savings account, another 50 percent goes into saving for a car, and the last 25 percent he uses for his own fun and entertainment.
“I decided to get a job so I could save my parents money and to start saving up for things later in life,” Lindsay Guffey said.
Guffey has been working since November of 2015. She gets paid every two weeks. She usually spends her most of her money on things her parents won’t buy her, like going out to eat with friends, makeup, and clothes.
Although some working students may not agree, Blattner and Guffey like having a job. For Blattner, he likes being able to do what he wants with his own money and knowing he worked to get it. Guffey enjoys more the entertainment aspect, buying things that her parents wouldn’t purchase for her.
Blattner isn’t sure about what comes after high school, but he plans on keeping his current job through at least senior year.
“I think I’ll have this job at least through high school,” Blattner said.
Guffey doesn’t know how long exactly, but she is really hoping to keep her job for a while. She likes being able to get the things she wouldn’t get otherwise.
“I hope I’ll have this job for a while. I like having the money,” Guffey said. “To me it is way worth it to get a job. It is teaching me things I need to know in the future, like work ethic and how to manage money. It’s just a good idea to get a job.”