Happiness, Inc. has completed two choreography camps, amounting to 30 hours of learning the show for the 2024-25 season, however, one critical camp for the success of their season took place over the weekend...
Known for their iconic yellow jackets and upbeat performances, Happiness Inc. is packed with rituals and memories that last for years after performers take their final bow.
Happiness Inc. is Kennedy's...
Throughout her years at Kennedy, senior Jersey Bilyeu has become one of the most involved people at Kennedy. She started in band and dance until freshman year when she quit dance.
"I danced for 11...
Every year, Kennedy High School’s varsity show choir Happiness Inc. dresses in bright yellow jackets to promote upcoming performances.
Happiness Inc. has an annual “jacket ceremony” for incoming...
The annual Cocoa and Carols concert is this Saturday, Dec. 9 at 1 and 4 p.m. Each performance will host different middle schools and elementary schools with Taft, Hiawatha and Franklin performing at the...
Music programs have always been part of high school culture. As Kennedy celebrates its 55th anniversary, so does its music department. Directors of the Kennedy Music Department discussed how it’s evolved...
Junior Ami Jacobo can be seen all around the school, spreading their positivity into every activity they participate in, and every piece of art they create. They are involved across the school, becoming...