With the new release of The Super Mario Bros. Movie and the official release of the Five Nights At Freddy's movie trailer, the Kennedy student body has begun to notice an abundance of adaptions. Remakes...
Marvel movies have been known for decades for their quality and length. Even if you weren't interested in the storylines, the entertainment aspect is undoubtable and the special effects have been nominated...
“The trailer for Avengers: Infinity War promises a movie with real stakes- and a story that will began to say goodbye to a generation of beloved superheroes,” according to theatlantic.com.
To know...
For those that are suckers for a sweet romance movie or like country music, the recently released movie “Forever My Girl” is just for you.
The movie was released on Jan. 18, and is based on the...
While the days are full of blue skies and the changing color of the flora of Cedar Rapids, the nights of autumn are dark and often too cold to spend outside.
This time of year is when people enjoy...