Happiness, Inc. has completed two choreography camps, amounting to 30 hours of learning the show for the 2024-25 season, however, one critical camp for the success of their season took place over the weekend...
Known for their iconic yellow jackets and upbeat performances, Happiness Inc. is packed with rituals and memories that last for years after performers take their final bow.
Happiness Inc. is Kennedy's...
Every year, Kennedy High School’s varsity show choir Happiness Inc. dresses in bright yellow jackets to promote upcoming performances.
Happiness Inc. has an annual “jacket ceremony” for incoming...
The annual Cocoa and Carols concert is this Saturday, Dec. 9 at 1 and 4 p.m. Each performance will host different middle schools and elementary schools with Taft, Hiawatha and Franklin performing at the...
Kennedy’s show choirs, Happiness Inc., Protégé and Chantuers, finished their 2022-2023 season Saturday, Feb. 18. Happiness went to five competitions throughout their season, Protégé to four and Chantuers...
Kennedy’s choir groups are now open for auditions. If you are a student interested in either joining concert choir, show choir or Moonlight Express, take a look at the audition guidelines.
To audition...
Mr. Rogers Neighborhood was on air for 33 years. Throughout this time, Mr. Rogers would help the audience feel loved and help them smile when they were going through a tough time. This year’s Happiness...