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The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

The Student News Source Of Kennedy High School

Kennedy Torch

More than 50 students took part in the protest. Seniors Donovan Screws (left) and Afnan Elsheikh (right) joined the walkout.

More photos from Nov. 17 Protest

November 17, 2016

Anafernanda Millsap is a photographer for Torch. In her words: "About a minute into passing time they [students] just started coming out from the front doors, from the foyer, and they started walking...

As the students were approaching Kennedy, they were greeted by anti-walkout protesters.  Everything was peaceful  but there were many words exchanged.

Kennedy Walkout Photo Gallary

Jake Corkery, Sports Editor November 17, 2016

Kennedy High School students congregated outside of the main office after third hour. They organized a walkout and spread their message "Love not hate," as they walked to the 42nd Street and Edgewood intersection....

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