Sisters Jess, and Taylor Wagner attended Iowa Valley High School’s prom last year, in the small town of Marengo, IA, which contains a little over 3,500 people. The school dances in small towns seems to differ from Kennedys.
The differences in atmospheres become aware the moment students step into each building. Kennedy students pack into Elmcrest country club dancing close together in groups.
“We didn’t ever grind, but it’s not because we weren’t allowed to, it was because we didn’t have to,” Taylor Wagner, sr., said.
Both Wagner sisters grew up in Marengo until 2009. “It was so fun knowing everyone I’ve grown up, even my date, there was never a dull moment,” Jess Wagner, so., said.
Before prom, Kennedy students attend dinner. “We never go out to eat before,” Taylor said.
Iowa Valley’s dances usually follow other school activities creating a less formal dress policy. “A lot of the girls have not so flashy dresses, and the guys don’t dress up as much,” Taylor said.
“Over all it was a really great night,” Jess said.
Both schools have the corresponding idea of fun, especially when it came to the after-prom. Each school had a hypnotists preform along with inflatable activities for the students to play with. Each lasted late and had students impressed.