Junior, Morgan Martin, a 6’2’’ forward was a new addition to Kennedy’s basketball team this season. Morgan moved here from Illinois this year, with high hopes for basketball season.
After the second game, Martin suffered a knee injury, got back into practice a few weeks later and now suffers from a torn MPFL ligament in her left knee, with cartilage floating in her kneecap that could cause future injuries.
“It is really swollen,” Martin said.
Martin is going to physical therapy three times a week and meeting with Kennedy’s trainer, Lynn, every day in hopes for a quick recovery.
“My trainers out at physical therapy have been great and Lynn has been great also,” Martin said.
At this point, Martin does not know when she will be fully recovered.
“It’s hard to watch my teammates at practice and games playing because it’s something I love to do,” Martin said, “I really want to be out there with them having fun.”
The Cougars are 6-4 this season. Martin is proud of the team and their success this season.
She still has high hopes in returning to the court with her teammates this season.
“It all depends on how I am feeling and if I feel good enough to play, I will definitely be out there,” Martin said.

Martin tore her MPFL in her left knee.