Every Tuesday after school, ten students meet in math teacher Emily Reminisky’s classroom to continue their game of DnD, moderated by the Dungeon Master.
Dungeons and Dragons is a game that has risen and fallen in popularity since its release in 1974. The game centers around roleplaying and players get to design their own characters. Dungeon Master and Head of Club sophomore Atticus Goldensoph designs adventures and monsters for the characters to fight on their journeys across the DnD world.
The students enjoy going on adventures in the game, and meeting new people they wouldn’t have met outside the club.
“It brings all sorts of people together, it is a lot of fun,” Goldensoph said.
The club meetings are usually hour-long playing sessions the Dungeon Master has prepared for them. The sessions can vary from fighting big monsters to investigating problems in the world they create.
Anyone can join the club and characters can be incorporated at any time. The club members agree that it is a great way to hang out with peers outside of school.
“I think that it is good for them to get together and socialise outside of class, in a safe environment,” Reminisky said.