MyPath: Is it Worth it?
Kennedy student completes MyPath reading lessons.
March 14, 2023
CRCSD implemented MyPath lessons as a requirement for all high school students as of January 2023. Students are required to complete 20 minutes of reading and math lessons per week to achieve a sufficient grade.
The district chose MyPath lessons as a response to previous MAP testing scores. The creators of MAP testing developed these lessons to improve test scores. When you complete the MAP test, Mypath then gives you lessons based on where your strengths and weaknesses lie.
“This was a decision that included district leadership along with admin from all high schools,” Kennedy Associate Principal Jessica Johnson said.
After the district’s decision, lessons were introduced to schools without any time given to figure out the best way to navigate the website. Teachers were instead thrown in and encouraged to push out the lessons right away.
“The program was given to us without allowing any feedback on what program was implemented,” Kennedy math teacher Tracy Bowers said. “There wasn’t enough training for the teachers on the front side of it.”
Once educators figure out the best way to make MyPath productive, there is potential for growth in students’ education if they put in the work.
“The idea behind it, of getting the skills to learn online is good. What material we have to work with however, is not,” Bowers said. “The way that the lessons are assigned or the way that levels are determined, it was not the way that was sold to us.”
While teachers might have an open mindset about these lessons, students are not happy with this new requirement.
“I feel like My Path is a waste of time,” freshman Arianna Corella said. “People are always forgetting to do the required minutes which takes a big toll on your overall grade in that class.”
Language arts and math teachers are required to give students 20 minutes in class each week to complete their MyPath. However, if the minutes do not get completed in class, the responsibility falls onto the student as homework. Not completing your minutes of reading and math lessons each week results in a zero in the grade book, which brings down a student’s grade in that class.
“We have to worry about these lessons each week on top of all our work from other classes plus extra curriculars,” freshman Kiri Platt said. “It just seems kind of pointless for something that I don’t believe is beneficial to my education.”
As everyone figures out the best way to approach this new learning method, educators hope to see improvements in district test scores and overall education. Bowers believes both students and teachers must work together and be open to trying new things.
“In reality, students are going to have to learn online and take tests online. Between now and whenever you finish school, you’re going to have to do something,” Bowers said. “We just have to find value and get kids motivated to actually learn.”