Vandalism Sparks Removal of Feminine Hygiene Product in Bathrooms
Changes in the price of women’s period products over time, making them less accessible to high school students.
January 25, 2023
School vandalism is a problem outside and inside of school. Vandalism has been seen all over the bathrooms by custodians and teachers from writing on the walls to the misuse of hygiene products.
The Kennedy student government put female hygiene products in the girls’ bathroom for those who are in a crunch and don’t have anything on them.
“My hope was to hopefully ease the stress that female menstrual cycles bring. Periods are an uncomfortable thing. If offering women’s products in the walls of the bathroom can help ease that uncomfortableness, then why not help out,” senior student government president Sophia Barbieri said.
But students betrayed the trust that Student Government had for them in keeping the period products safe and staying in the bathrooms for those who needed them.

“I think the importance behind them was to really try and make girls feel welcome in the bathroom,” said Barbieri. “Also, this is just one step in bringing awareness to the challenges that menstrual cycles bring to women. Females have to purchase their own products, and a lot of the time the products we have to buy are beyond expensive, and I hope that this mini-movement in the bathrooms could call attention to.”
Females who have a cycle for use days and use about 16 pads, spend about $23.05 a month. It is more expensive for those who use tampons that also have to purchase liners. This cost adds up.
“It’s really disappointing to see that the products are being abused. Females know how expensive these products are and how it means a lot when you walk into a bathroom and see that people have put thought into creating a safe space for women. These products are for those who find themselves in an ‘oops I forgot’ position, and for those who simply have easy access to them in a closed space rather than carrying them to the bathroom,” Barbieri said.
The products were being opened and left on the floors, then spelled out offensive words on mirrors with the products.
The vandalism did not end with the feminine hygiene products. The painted bathroom door in the downstairs girls’ bathroom had to be painted over due to the amount of writing and damage.
Barbieri hopes people will learn to use hygiene products appropriately so females can have access to them when they are in need.