BSU: A Call For Understanding

Jason Kline

The BSU recruiting new members at the club fair. Left to right: Rahma Elsheikh, Raafa Elsheikh, Victoria Lea, Kaylah Ajram-Wright, Sophia Malcom, Divion Ocheltree , Angel Lesure

Olivia Riley-Schmelzer, Writer

In an effort to incorporate more cultural understanding within Kennedy high school, students have introduced a new organization focused on creating a diverse yet unified community known as The Black Student Union, or BSU for short. 

“Our goal is to bring understanding for diversity to kennedy and the community in general.” said co-founder Kaylah Ajram-Wright, sr.

Within the meetings, they plan on discussing a variety of topics related to racism and diversity issues, ranging from reformation of the criminal justice system and mass incarceration to acts of micro-aggression. 

Over 59 people signed up at the club fair on September 16, and Ajram-Wright hopes more will join as the club gets up and running. 

“It’s called the Black Student Union, so some people think ‘I’m white I can’t join it’ but it’s not like that at all,” Ajram-Wright said, “ Anyone is welcome to join, it’s just going to be geared towards what affects us as black people.”

The BSU meets every friday after school in room 72. With no set end time, students are welcome to stay for however long they like. The application process consists of showing up, checking it out, and signing up.

The BSU plans on putting on several events such as a cultural fair and assembly for black history month this February.

At the end of the day, the goal of the club is to create a more culturally understanding and accepting environment for young minorities, as well as being there for each other.

“We’re just the ‘black kids’ in class, but when we’re together, from different places, different cultures, different languages, we get to express our cultural diversity among ourselves,” Ajram-Wright said. “Come and check it out, it’s a really good atmosphere in there.”

If you have any further questions about the club, feel free to contact Ajram-Wright at