Kennedy Student Government Gives Back to Community for the Holidays
Seniors and Student Government Officers Charlie Haefner, Louie Ervin, Lauryn Vaske and Rylee Ervin volunteered to bell ring for Salvation Army at the Hy-Vee on Edgewood on Nov. 11.
December 13, 2018
As the holidays are approaching, many families need assistance when it comes to gift-giving. Luckily, Kennedy Student Government has various ways that they are helping struggling families in the area, as well as getting the Cedar Rapids community in the holiday spirit.
Here are some of the projects that Student Government is undertaking this season:
- Christmas shopping for veterans and their families
“It is one way we can show our appreciation for what they have sacrificed to protect our country.” Student Government Officer, Louie Ervin, sr., said. “Student Government is awesome because we have the man-power to take sponsors’ money and go out and shop for each family so they get exactly what they need to make the holiday season better.”
- Kennedy staff kids Christmas party
The Christmas party for Kennedy staff kids is happening tonight, Dec. 13 from 5 p.m. until 6:15. Santa Claus will be arriving at 5:30 p.m. to talk with the kids and find out what they want for Christmas.
“Student Government members spend time with the kids and do activities like decorating cookies, coloring pictures and making crafts,” Student Government Officer, Rylee Ervin, sr., said.
- Bell ringing at Hy-Vee for Salvation Army
“The bell ringing money goes to Salvation Army where they distribute it out to different services like toys for kids, food for families and clothing,” Student Government President, Charlie Haefner, sr., said.
Kennedy Student Government will have a total of 140 shifts (two people per shift) of bell-ring for Salvation Army throughout the season.
- Holiday cards for residents at the Hiawatha Care Center
Student Government does various activities to help out the residents at the Hiawatha Care Center throughout the year, such as playing bingo with residents on Fridays and gardening for them in the spring. The group decided to make cards to residents to wish them a “Happy Holidays,” in hopes that the card will make them smile or lift their spirits.
- Making blankets for the homeless
“We have made 32 large blankets that we are giving to the Willis Dady Homeless Shelter and to officer Charity to put in patrol cars to be given away to those in need,” L. Ervin said.
For more information follow @kennedystudent1 on Twitter for updates on their volunteering activities throughout the year.