Remembering 10 Years of Marvel Movies

Avengers: Infinity War poster
April 6, 2018
“The trailer for Avengers: Infinity War promises a movie with real stakes- and a story that will began to say goodbye to a generation of beloved superheroes,” according to
To know what to expect from this movie however, we must remember the timeline of Marvel Cinematic Universe, and how those events have led up to now.
Iron Man was the first Marvel movie, releasing in 2008. I really found the story to be really good, with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), a billionaire inventor who develops technologically advanced armor to stop his enemies from misusing his technology. “Iron Man” would show the first of many superheroes audiences were yet to see.
Coming out the same year was The Incredible Hulk. The movie was focused on Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) who desperately tries to get rid of the Hulk, his alter ego. As cool as the Hulk was, the visual effects, and storyline just didn’t seem right.
After no movies in 2009, Iron Man 2 introduced new allies like War Machine and Black Widow, when Tony struggles with his health and personal life. This movie in my opinion was not as good as the first Iron Man.
In 2011, audiences saw Thor, (Chris Hemsworth) the God of Thunder. Banished to Earth for his arrogance, he later proved himself to be worthy of his powers. After seeing this movie, I wasn’t exactly thrilled, but nevertheless it was a cool family drama to watch. After Thor’s release came Captain America: The First Avenger, taking audiences back to the 1940s, before most of the Marvel superheroes existed. This focused on Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) transformation into the super soldier, Captain America, the first avenger in the MCU timeline. Though I liked the movie, it wasn’t as great a success as I had expected.
The next year, Avengers ended up being a blockbuster movie. It was the first time the Marvel superheroes banded to so save the Earth. Seeing different superheroes meet for the first time, really made the movie better for me.
2013 marked the release of Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World. Iron Man 3 was much better, than Iron Man 2, because of its action, and an in depth look into Tony Stark’s life and the fears he must face from his past. “Thor: The Dark World” however wasn’t as good as I had hoped it would be, with the story being slow and not having a great connection to Marvel characters.
The Captain America trilogy continued with Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The movie shined a light on Steve Rogers struggling to adapt to life in the 21 century. To top this is an unexpected enemy, who he is not willing to fight. The storyline and the action sequences were enough for the audiences to love this movie. The debutant superhero group, known as the Guardians of the Galaxy would release the same year impressing fans with the comedy, visual effects, and the intergalactic setting, earning itself a respectable place in the Marvel franchise.
Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man both came out in 2015. This installment reassembles the Avengers and introduces new characters who must come together to defeat Ultron, a technological threat determined to destroy humanity. Ant-Man was surprisingly successful, showing a broken man (Paul Rudd) redeeming himself by becoming Ant-Man.
Captain America: Civil War divided the Avengers into two sides, one for government supervision and one for freedom. I would personally choose the side of freedom, so the movie was quite realistic in a way. Marvel Studios later released Doctor Strange the same year, which showed us how Doctor Strange became the powerful sorcerer he is. Though I had no prior knowledge of the superhero, I still enjoyed the movie and the visual effects.
In early 2017, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 released proving to be a very entertaining movie with the onscreen chemistry. Spider-Man: Homecoming, being as good as a solo fil can get, ever since the superheroes Marvel debut in Captain America: Civil War. Later in the year Thor: Ragnarok would release, offering a different take on the characters their evolution up till this film, along with emotion and humor. This movie would revive Thor’s character from his previous movies.
Getting a 97 percent critics’ ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, was the groundbreaking film Black Panther. The movie focuses on King T’Challa and his powerful nation of Wakanda, which he must protect from a powerful enemy.
Avengers: Infinity War however, is the most important movie, which will determine the fate of some of the beloved superheroes. Featuring the largest ensemble of MCU characters from the past ten years, the superheroes must unite to stop supervillain Thanos (Josh Brolin) from destroying half of the universe. This is a movie that will not have a happy ending.
To find out about the fate of the heroes, I would suggest you start booking your tickets ahead of time. Avengers: Infinity War will hit theaters on April 27.