Last Day for AP Exam Registration

Photo provided by Anna Reinhart
March 2, 2018
Today is the last day to register for the students wanting to take the spring AP exams, teachers are encouraging students to take them.
“I really hope students are going to take the exams,” history teacher Heather Zwanziger said.
She works with students in AP European History courses at Kennedy.
“It covers everything we learn in the school year and tests how much students really know,” Zwanziger said.
The are 34 AP courses offered at Kennedy, and many students end up taking advantage of the benefits — such as college credit if the AP exam earns particular scores.
Common AP courses for Kennedy students are AP Human Geography, AP European History, AP World History, and AP U.S. History. All classes require college level work and reading, which some general subject classes don’t offer.
Toward the end of the year, the student’s workload increases as the AP exam approaches to ensure that students understand and complete all the units and requirements of the course.
Junior Naomi Martinez who knew about the upcoming exams, informed her parents about the registration process.
“My parents signed me up to take the AP exam for my AP Lang and Composition class a while back,” Martinez said.
Some students have yet to sign up for exams.
“I’m not sure whether I’ll be taking the exam,” Addison Jones, so., said. “There’s so much we talked about and I don’t know if I know enough.”
The student population at Kennedy is mixed right now with students who have already registered, are in the process of registering, or haven’t registered yet. is the link to register online for the exams.