Canned Food Drive Underway

Students drop off canned goods to 5th hour

Jenna Anderson, Co Editor in Chief

Student government will be holding their annual canned food drive next week from Monday, Oct. 16, through Monday, Oct. 23. Each class will compete for the prize for collecting the most canned goods. A second prize will be awarded to the most unique or best canned good sculpture.

Students may drop off their canned goods to their 5th hour teacher. If a teacher chooses to not participate in the drive, the canned goods can be brought to room 164.

Every students is encouraged to contribute at least one canned good, to give to local food banks.  All goods must be collected by Oct. 23. Student government will plan on bringing the canned goods to the food banks Oct. 24.

Support our local food banks and bring some canned goods next week.