How to study for AP exams

Photo provided by Anna Reinhart
March 21, 2017
AP students registered for exams know that May is coming, meaning exams are right around the corner.
Regardless which AP class you are taking, there are both good and ineffective ways to study. Simply skimming notes from the beginning of the year, or attempting to read an entire textbook will not help you be as successful as you might hope for.
A highly recommended method of studying is practice tests. Although in order to get the most benefit possible by doing practice tests, there are other things you can do. After you are done with your test, it is a good idea to make a list of general topics that were covered so you can review them later. It is also recommended that you don’t check your practice test for at least a few hours after you finished. Also, while you are checking the practice test, before you look at the answer, ask yourself if you would put the same answer now that you did before, as this can reveal an uncertainty. It is also important that for the questions you get wrong that you figure out why your answers are wrong and how to avoid making that mistake in the future.
Another endorsed studying tool is flashcards. While knowing the definition of a word won’t be as useful as the ability to apply that word on the exam, it is a good place to start. A highly sought after source to create flashcards is Quizlet, and it is recommended by the college board.
Teachers at Kennedy advocate for review books designed to assist in studying for exams. These books include preparation, important material to know, and things to bring on the day of the exam. Crash Course books, and Barron’s test preparation books are recommended books to assist in studying for exams.
Some students across the country and here at Kennedy have already started exam preparation; and many, if this May will mark their first AP exams, don’t know where to start. Some students mistake ineffective studying tactics with beneficial ones, and have potential to do better using helpful methods. With the correct approach to studying for AP exams, success is one step closer.