Daily schedule gets a makeover

Library area is busy during SMART Lunch.

Library area is busy during SMART Lunch.

Brooke McNeal, News Editor

On Monday, Nov. 21, Principal Jason Kline announced on Twitter that the school’s daily schedule would be getting a makeover.

“SMART lunch not going away for good. But replacing it with alt schedule during cold winter months. Will start Monday the 28th,” Kline said via Twitter.

The changes come from the crowded cafeteria during SMART lunch, due to the outdoor patio being closed for the winter.

SMART Time will be taking effect on Monday, Nov. 28 for the winter months. During the daily “SMART Time” schedule, school clubs and teaching tutorials will still proceed. The difference is that this time is only 30 minutes opposed to SMART Lunch’s 60 minutes. SMART Time is also scheduled after 2nd period instead of during the lunch hour.

Kline sent an email out to parents last night explaining the reasons for this alternative including the increase in students and trying to find a place for each of them to go.

Kline stressed in the email the importance of knowing that this option is for the winter months and SMART Time will be evaluated when it warms up to decide if bringing SMART lunch back would be a good decision.