Haile Miller

Posters defaming Jake Gyllenhaal put up in the Kennedy girls’ bathroom by an anonymous student.

Dear Taylor Swift…

Taylor Swift, love her or hate her, you know her either way.

February 13, 2023

… I Love You

Dear Taylor Swift,


I would give my left kidney to see Taylor Swift in concert. She is a goddess amongst men in this pathetic music industry. But because of Ticketmaster, I and many others are victims of an exile of Swifties. 


After the announcement of the Eras tour, Swifties were ecstatic. TicketMaster’s false promises ripped out our hearts, stomped on and crushed my high school dreams. I rewind thе tape but all it does is pause on thе very moment all was lost. My life is over. What life is there to live without Taylor?


Not only did their website crash but, Ticketmaster canceled general sale ticketing after overselling for pre-sale. 


Ticketmaster canceled its plans for a public ticket sale on Friday when it would typically sell any tickets remaining after presales,” David McCabe and Ben Sisario of the New York Times said.


I’ve been having a hard time adjusting. With no chance to secure tickets for a fair price, I spiraled and entered my Reputation era.  Keep in mind there’s nothing I do better than revenge. Ticketmaster let me and other faithful Swifties down. The rage coursing through my body was more than I’ve felt towards any of Taylor Swift’s exes— even Jake Gyllenhaal. I think I’m gonna call them out.


But balance was restored to humanity when it was announced an investigation and lawsuit had been filed against the company.


“The Justice Department has opened an antitrust investigation into the owner of Ticketmaster, whose sale of Taylor Swift concert tickets descended into chaos this week,” said the New York Times “The investigation is focused on whether Live Nation Entertainment has abused its power over the multibillion-dollar live music industry.”


Ticket masters’ heinous acts would finally be buried to rest with the lawsuit filed. But bandaids don’t fix bullet holes. Freshman Emma Rood shares her thoughts on Ticketmaster and the Eras tour. 


“No one had faith in Ticketmaster in the first place but it made me very sad…the fact that I missed my opportunity, It literally made me wanna gouge my eyes out,” Rood said.


Although this may be upsetting, we will prevail. Together we will become stronger through the power of Taylor with her music to guide us. One day we will be remembered.


Taylor if you’re reading this, please let me be graced by your presence and blessed with the gift of seeing you live. Look into your heart and think to be so kind and generous to give me tickets for the Eras tour. I’m begging you.

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… I Hate You

Dear Taylor Swift,


You’ve been an icon, a hero and a crutch for many. 

You have millions of fans willing to drop thousands just to listen to you from the nosebleeds. 

And on top of that, you’ve profited off of twelve failing relationships. 

Just how do you do it I ask? 

I’m kidding, don’t answer that, because I could care less.

I live my day-to-day life doing just that, yet I hear about you in passing as many times as I do on the radio. 

As someone who’s grown up in the early 2000s, I can recall your career just flourishing, and maybe this is wishful thinking, probably mindless dreaming, but when will you put the mic down?


The music you release has been an up-and-down slope, much like your career. 

While you strive to put out music that expresses who you are, sometimes it’s best to leave those lyrics in a crumpled up piece of paper lying there.


Your song, ‘Picture to Burn’ is a wonderful example of why not all lyrics should make the final cut.

“So go and tell your friends that I’m obsessive and crazy, That’s fine I’ll tell mine that you’re gay!”

Last I checked, you went out of your way to donate and support the LGBTQ+ community.

You have now deleted that version of the song. 

Which received about as much backlash and harassment from “Swifties” as Jake Gyllenhaal did during your breakup.

This is surely not what you thought it would be.


That’s not all. You released the music video to Anti-Hero,

portraying you standing on a scale, which reads “FAT”.

You showed us how you value thinness and demonize larger bodies.

You let us down, you let your true colors shine.

You really were the Anti-Hero.


And of all people to take the industry by storm, why did it have to be you?

You’ve brought nothing new to the table, just one breakup song after another.

As someone who is anything but a “Swifty”, maybe I just don’t understand.

I do know I’ve had enough.

I’m sick and tired of your attitude. 

You could write a book on how to ruin someone’s perfect day.

And I could write a letter on how to ruin yours.

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