Final Exams at Kennedy are right around the corner. Finals days will be held on Thursday, Nov. 20 and Friday, Nov. 21. This year there is a change, both finals days will be full days instead of half days like have been in previous years.
“No one really understands why we need to have full days when we have finals, you’re supposed to go to school complete your three or four finals and be able to go home for the rest of the day,” Brandon Bermel, jr., said. “We shouldn’t have to sit at school for an extra couple of hours and do nothing.”
Kennedy is required to hold school for the entire day. The only students allowed to leave are the ones that ride the buses. The others must remain in a study hall in the cafeteria for the remainder of the day unless they have a zero or seventh hour in that case they will attend those finals after SMART lunch.
“I don’t think having everybody go to the cafeteria after third hour will work, because many kids will just leave since they don’t have to necessarily be at school for the rest of the day,” Linden Runels, jr., said.
Here is a look at what the finals schedules will look like this upcoming week:
Thursday, November 20
1st hour 7:55-9:10
2nd hour 9:20-10:35
3rd hour 10:45-12:00
Smart Lunch 12:05-1:25 (bus riders will depart at 12:50)
0 hour 1:30-2:45
Friday, November 21
4th hour 7:55-9:10
5th hour 9:20-10:35
6th hour 10:45-12:00
Smart Lunch 12:05-1:25 (bus riders will depart at 12:30)
7th hour 1:30-2:45