Freshmen didn’t win the Kennedy spirit stick at the fall pep rally or have a float in the homecoming parade — but they didn’t let it set them back.
The Freshmen Student Council are busy developing exciting plans for the freshmen class and all Kennedy students.
For some Halloween fun, the Student Council will sell Halloween grams this week in the foyer during Smart Lunch. Students can buy a gram for $1 and write a message for another student for delivery. Then the gram will be sent to the student in class this Friday, Oct. 31.
Also, this week the freshmen will be selling class apparel. For their fellow freshmen classmates, they have come up with a great design to an entire outfit.
“On a scale from one to 10, we’re an 18,” is the wording on the front of the T-shirt. The T-shirts are long-sleeve and crewneck.
To go with the shirts, the Freshmen Student Council members matched up some sweatpants to make a perfect set. The sweatpants have a paw print with the number “18” in the center; the same paw print is on the T-shirt.
To order, students are asked to see class advisors Tracy Bowers (Rm 104), Kristina Merritt (Rm 212), or Erin Ennis (Rm 303)
Students must have the completed order turned in to any of the freshman class advisors by Friday, Oct. 31.