River Borgerding
Emma Clabaugh and Kenna Mchenry wait for more people to come to their trunk.
Several trunk-or-treats came and went this past week all around Cedar Rapids. Kennedy’s Junior and Senior Class Council decided to join in the celebrations and hosted their own Halloween fundraiser in the Kennedy South parking lot on Saturday, Oct. 28.
Council President Safal Bhattarai organized the event in an attempt to increase the class budget for prom and engage with the community.
“This idea stemmed from the school district having their own trunk-or-treat along with multiple ones being hosted throughout the city,” Bhattarai said. “It seemed like a fairly low-effort way to engage with the community. However, nothing ever is low-effort.”
The council hoped to profit from the baked goods sold during the event and support the community simultaneously.
“We do a lot of stuff in the background to try and make things work. What we want is to improve our community and make positive differences,” Bhattarai said.
The council opted to start later in the evening as other events were scheduled the same night. Hovering around 30 degrees, the night was colder than expected and led to a lower turnout.
Low attendance and bad weather ended the event early. The group did not raise funds for prom but has not given up. They plan to host more events such as a talent show later this year.
“I hope future classes do follow in and make it even bigger and better,” Bhattarai said.