Kennedy Trap Club is holding a meeting Sept. 8 in preparation for the 2021-2022 year.
The Kennedy Trap Club will hold a Parent Support Group meeting Wednesday, Sept. 8 in the cafeteria 6-8 p.m. The meeting will cover membership dues, recruiting sponsors, future meeting times and answer any questions parents or students may have.
Trapshooting involves using a gun to shoot clay pigeons, or “clays,” out of the air. Not all parents may be comfortable with their child using a gun for fear of injury. Coach Jim Kelso reassures parents about Kennedy Trap Club’s safety.
“First of all this sport is the safest in the nation as far as injuries are concerned. Beyond that we teach proper handling and respect and safety for all weapons and the people we are around with them,” said Kelso. “I would much rather them receive proper instruction on the dangers of improper handling of a firearm than let them figure it out through an accident later.”
“The kids learn proper gun handling, proper cleaning and safety techniques, mental focus, more about themselves and the people around them and how to be a better responsible young adult,” said Kelso.
“We have kids with no experience with guns and those who have been using one for many years, all are welcome,” said Moore. “The Club is a great environment for kids who want to learn how to use a gun safely, how to shoot clay targets and improve their skills and make some great friends while doing it!”
Club leadership also works with parents to improve the experiences of the members.
“We encourage parents to productively participate in the development of their student and the team,” said Kelso.
Kelso enjoys watching members grow and contribute to team attitude and success
“Some of my favorite things to witness with our group of kids is the joy they have in improving their skills and knowledge,” said Kelso.