For many high school students, caffeine is the only way to stay awake during the school day. Sports, homework, and jobs take away some students ability to get adequate sleep. Seniors Kendal Runels and Cassie Hansen turn to the popular coffee company Starbucks to help them survive each week of high school.
“Coffee makes me alert, take good notes in math in the morning, and makes me happy and awake,” Runels said.
Both seniors take a trip to Starbucks each day of the week, in the morning. Without the stop, the seniors have trouble finishing the week.
“If I don’t drink it, I get a really bad headache the whole day and it’s horrible,” Runels said.
Runels and Hansen began their Starbucks “addiction” at a young age, and haven’t stopped going since.
“I started drinking coffee when I began high school because I needed something to keep me going everyday,” Runels said.
For many high school students Starbucks can get too costly, but Runels believe’s it is worth it.
“Starbucks has the best coffee, the prices are higher but I think you get more bang for your buck,” Runels said.

Over the years Starbucks has been a popular place for any coffee or tea drinker, and especially high school students.
“I go to the Starbucks on Blairsferry because it is efficient for me, the people are nice there, and they already know my order,” Hansen said.
Hansen is not a fan of coffee, so her go-to order is a chai tea latte.
“Starbucks chai has caffeine in it, which obviously caffeine has perks and I just love chai,” Hansen said.