Taylor Mather
Senior Taylor Mather posing with a medicine ball at Planet Fitness in Cedar Rapids.
Seeking workout inspiration, senior Taylor Mather started up an Instagram account this past summer to showcase her fitness journey.
“I follow a lot of fitness bloggers and YouTubers, so I thought it would be a fun thing to do that would keep me motivated,” Mather said.
Mather’s account (@fitnessbytayy) provides a way for her to record her progress, list her workouts, share motivational quotes, and post pictures of her food.
“I’ve received a lot of positive feedback and a lot of girls have told me that my account inspires them to workout,” Mather said. “Some have told me that my account inspired them to make their own, which is really cool.”
Planet Fitness is Mather’s favorite gym spot, because they have various machines and trainers to help with routines. Finding a workout buddy is something Mather advises to ease the intimidation of working out at a new facility.
“Before I started, I would just sit around and tell myself that I would do it tomorrow,” Mather said. “One day I just decided to get a gym membership, and I’m so thankful I did.”
By posting about her workouts and photographing her progress, Mather is able to show her followers each step she is taking to reaching her goal.
“Everyone is so supportive of each other and I think that’s really awesome,” Mather said.
With loads of support surrounding her fitness account, Mather recommends that anyone beginning a fitness journey should display their progress.
“My way is a little more public, but you could always start off with a fitness journal or with a private account until you feel comfortable sharing it with people,” Mather said.
Aside from showing her physical progress, “@fitnessbytayy” has given Mather spiritual reassurance.
“The account helps me gain confidence because I can look back on how far I’ve come, and look forwards to what I can do in the future,” Mather said.