I am stuck on how to fit all of my memories of four great years into a half page. I have way more memories that will last a lifetime and that take up more than the space I’m given, but I want to include the most memorable.
1. Every single pep assembly, and winning only one (1-11, go seniors!). We sometimes forget how awesome it is to go to a school with such a heightened school spirit.
2. Friday night football games, freaking out in the group chat about what to wear, always being too hot or cold, Perkins after games, watching our Cougs play in the state championship.
3. Having your parents save you with the yellow passes (thanks Marlys and Brighid!)
4. Looking forward to the day before Christmas break every single year, no other school beats Kennedy on that day. Ugly sweaters, apple cider and hot chocolate, and the staff caroling in the halls, I will miss that.
5. Seeing my best friends in the hallways between classes every single day to catch up and to make weekend plans. It’s hard to believe I’ll be an hour away from my best friend next year.
6. Taking AP Capstone, although it killed me. This class of two years gifted me many all nighters, but it also gifted me the advantage of knowing how to write a college paper and writing it well. Thank you Dr. Ayers and Mrs. Melone for keeping patience.
7. Getting a D+ in AP Euro. This taught me that it’s okay to get a bad grade, it doesn’t reflect your character or your overall intelligence.
8. Trying new things, particularly journalism. The journalism program taught me how to talk to people even if we don’t have the same opinion on an issue, it taught me the importance of a time line, and it also gave me the four people who have become my best friends. Jake, Madeline, Nathan, and Taylor, I am going to miss seeing you and arguing with you every day. And thank you to Dr. Haynes-Moore because she allowed us to express ourselves through the Torch and is one of the most caring teachers I have ever met.
9. Getting to attend a school where everyone gets to express themselves in unique ways… I have the most talented classmates in various areas such as sports, arts, academics, etc.
10. The most memorable moment though was when a teacher told me I wouldn’t succeed. Watch me.