“A healthy relationship has good communication,” Mikayla Huskinson, so., said.
Huskinson defined an unhealthy relationship as when you can’t be honest, hide stuff, from friends and or partner, and not being able to talk to others.
“You shouldn’t have to hide stuff to avoid conflicts,” Huskinson, so., said, adding that if you try and fix it but it doesn’t work, move on.
Research by the Love is Respect Foundation found that one in every three high school students in the United States report that they have been in an abusive relationship — either physically, emotionally, verbally, or sexually abusive. The website offers quizzes to help assess and information to help support students.
“If you are spending more time unhappy than happy, get out of that relationship,” Kylee McGovern, jr., said. She believes the keys to a healthy relationship are good communication, trust, honesty, and being able to have a good time with that person.
“An unhealthy relationship is arguing too much, manipulation, and lying,” McGovern said.
LRF says to set boundaries with friends and or partner. Be completely honest with how you feel, even if it might hurt.
“If you’re honest, you build trust quicker,” Maddy Handeland, jr., said.
The Love is Respect Foundation Relationship Tips:
Face to face communication works better because it decreases the chance of misinterpretation
Fit it into a working schedule for both of you so you don’t get interrupted
Mutual respect even if you disagree with the choices or opinions of other person
Feel safe and comfortable with that person
There is equal say in the relationship
Does not make you feel guilty
Honesty and trust
The 48 hour rule. If something bothers you, talk about it within 48 hours
Don’t yell
Take time to think and breathe if frustrated
No means no. Yes means yes.
No pressure to do things