More than 50 students took part in the protest. Seniors Donovan Screws (left) and Afnan Elsheikh (right) joined the walkout.
Anafernanda Millsap is a photographer for Torch.
In her words: “About a minute into passing time they [students] just started coming out from the front doors, from the foyer, and they started walking toward the sidewalk, the street. [Principal] Kline and some other administrators started giving out pieces of papers that said their student rights. Then students started to walk toward 42nd Street. The protesters said they weren’t protesting toward Trump, it was a protest toward how people are being racist from Trump being president. Then they walked all the way down 42nd street chanting. They were good. People were happy and I don’t think anybody was scared, I didn’t think anything bad was going to happen. There were people who were protesting the protesters. I saw signs that said something like “Every Student Belongs,” “Honk for Love”, “Not Today Satan.” The police offer said the students hadn’t done anything wrong, they weren’t causing any trouble, and the police department supports their student rights. The police were there to make sure that nothing got out of hand.”